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So it begins...

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So it begins... Empty So it begins...

Post  Admin Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:16 am

Dear players,
some old, some new, today is the 1st of January 2008, The New Year and the birthday of this game.
Some years ago a friend of mine and I embarked upon a journey that would bring us much of the unexpected and even more of the unknown. It must have been pure, inexperienced enthusiasm that forced us to proceed with our plans and develop what were then only visions and sketches into a game we called Galactica.
Though it's creation started much sooner and, as it usually is with ideas, the exact date of it's creation remains unknown, on January the 1st 2004 Galactica officially started. Now, 4 years later, we give birth to it's daughter, Royal Star.
To those that were with us from the very beginning the words that are to be said will be but a reminder of all the good times and bad Galactica lived through and to those that just joined they will be, as all history texts are, but a glimpse to what Galactica was.

It all started in the year 2003. Simple as all great ideas do. On a piece of paper. In a small club we used to visit often.
My friend and, inspired by the idea of creating a game we always dreamed of playing, put our minds together and using our own gaming experience, vivid imagination and technical solutions at hand, created a system complex enough to give each player an opportunity to evolve at his own liking, to interact with other players and to contribute to what the game would become, yet simple enough to allow anyone to play.

The years that followed were good and bad. Galactica had it's up's and it's downs. In game, alliances were formed, friendships were broken and wars were waged. True diplomats never showed their emotions. True leaders never showed fear. True players never completely trusted their allies.
In a galaxy of constant struggle a threat rised very early in the age players started in. Their name was the Old Tau. Merciless pirates prepared for a war that would leave planets in ruin, states in turmoil and an entire galaxy at unease.
Faced with a situation even large states had trouble dealing with, leaders of small states had to choose between sides. Trying to stay neutral sometimes seemed the right thing to do, but as the future would show, it was impossible. Some were influenced by their allies, other pressured by the surrounding grand nations, but in the end every nation found it's place in a war most brutal.
However, war does not necessarily mean the use of guns. Some choose a more suptile approach. Spies were sent on espionage missions wide across the sector. Diplomats tried their best to form strong bonds with the allies they thought could be trusted. Merchants searched high and low for that one perfect deal that would bring advantage in this uncertain situation.
The Ka'Faar Empire, the Ke'Rah Dominion, the Parathonian Federative Republic, the Kelon Republic, the Kamorian Empire, the Batun Confederation, the HARM Industries, the Kardonian League, Antaran Remenant and the Shadow League were just some of the great nations involved. Nations that fought valiantly to win this war.
Smaller nations were faced with the same fate. Leaders such as Shyu Kun, Ambroziano, Lakintor, Shinzon, So Leet and Fenix led their nations with courage and wisdom. Finding their place amongst the stars was never easy, but the prize was worth the journey.
Faced even with an inner enemy, the Old Tau Rebel, the Old Tau Pirates lost the war little by little. In the end their allies were no match for the Shadow Alliance.
After the war the remnants of the Old Tau Pirates were forced to flee and a new state was formed. One that should ensure peace in this sector. The Old Tau Rebel, now known as the Elder Tau were the ones to form it. Together with 2 most valuable allies in this war, members of the Shadow Alliance, the Shadow and the Protoss League, they soon created a new confederation. The Protaurian Confederacy. Now an important part all galactic affairs.
Peace would not last for long, however. The end of this war sparked a civil war in the Kamorian Kingdom, one already weakened by the inner struggle for power. Officially, no other nations would interfere. But it was clear this would not last for long...

After this the pages are left blank. It is up to all of us to fill them in.

As one can see this project, as they usually tend to, had it's up's and it's down's but the vision lives on. A new team is created and we are determined to keep going. To create a game unlike any other. To share our vision. To inspire.


Posts : 176
Join date : 2007-11-21

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